Solomon Ilori and His Afro-Drum Ensemble, 1964
Brattleboro Is Flooding
The Lentils, 2015
Mar.17, 2016Littlefield BK.NY
Post Industrial Boys, 2016
Our Lady of Perpetual Fucking Succour
A New Line (Related), 2015
okay, let's fight
Lou Reed, 1974 / John Cale, 1974
Lou Reed, 1972 / John Cale 1974
Songs for a Tailor
Jack Bruce, 1969
Safe in Harbour
Vilod, 2015
Damned Piano
Bob Bellerue, 2015
Punks in the Post
A 9-volume, 12-hour podcast series, investigating ever further into the post-punk era.
Things Our Bodies Used to Have
Good Willsmith, 2016
Trembling Air
12Z, 2016
Marc Ribot y los Cubanos Postizos
Mar.4, 2016—Le Poisson Rouge; NY, NY
William S. Burroughs in Dub
William S. Burroughs vs Dub Spencer & Trance Hill, 2015
The Farm, 1991
The Beat from Badsville, vols.1-4
Various Artists, 2012-16
Michalis Moschoutis, 2015
MIA, 2013
Disappears, 2015
confessions of an archivist
Braincandy OST, 1996
Depeche Mode, 2005
Talking Heads, 1975